LAB HOURS: MON - THU and SAT : 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

FRI and SUN : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

online services

 Pre Analytics

Pre Analytics

Pre Analytics

1. Request Form

Please enter all data on the Request Form in a readable form. Age or Date of Birth are important due to different reference ranges. Please enter your name or clinic!!!!! in the right upper area. Please stick the ID number below to the sample tube. The correct identification of the patient sample is only guaranteed by this number.

2. Conditions

Laboratory investigations can be highly efficient and can contribute to 70% in finding the right diagnosis. Pre-analytical factors such as storage, transport, splitting of samples etc. may significantly influence the results. Please refer to the conditions described in this list.

3. Vacutainers/Clotted Samples/ Splitted Samples/ Sample/ Volume

All our customers receive vacutainers/ Sarstedt tubes from FML F.O.C. We provide German Sarstedt systems from now on as well. This system is better to handle than the vacutainers, provokes less hemolysis and less hematoma and bleeding after collection.

To obtain serum, whole blood samples should be left for 20 – 30 minutes prior to centrifugation in order to allow a complete clotting in the sample. If the final clotting process is not achieved, further clotting occurs in the separated sample. If this is not recognized by our technicians (small clots can easily being overseen), wrong values may result as a consequence.

Clotted blood in EDTA tubes and Citrate tubes:

Immediately after blood collection the tubes which contain EDTA or Citrate must be mixed well several times (shake gently).

Splitted samples:

In addition, splitting of samples is known to lead to patient sample confusions already in the clinics. If ever possible, we would kindly ask for sending us the original tubes.

Leaking vials:

Leaking vials are dangerous for your personnel and our personnel including non-medical staff, like drivers and receptionists. Please use closed systems as provided from us.

Sample volume:

It is important to fill up the vacutainers containing citrate for ESR or coagulation parameters to the mark on the tube (due to standardized dilution!).


Blood collection by using vacutainers after strong and long venous congestion may cause hemolysis (interference with a significant number of tests).

Coagulation parameters:

Coagulation parameters are sensitive to storage > 4 hours. As a consequence, we will measure an increased clotting time or decreased activities.


A manual or machine blood differential is difficult to interpret when the blood sample was kept > 4hours. The blood cells are more vulnerable and show significant different morphology (typical flag shown in 2 dimensional laser/impedance measurements).

Stapling of bags:

Please avoid the stapling of bags. Kindly use the adhesive flap to seal the pouches.

Microbiology/ sensitive germs: (Gonococci, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Meningococci, and Anaerobic Germs).

Long storage of samples leads to damage of sensitive germs such as gram negative diplococci, Chlamydia and others. Please avoid long storage. We recommend calling us in such cases in order to provide the adequate collection material (special swabs etc.).

Chlamydia PCR:

Please send concentrated first morning urine or use dry swabs (due to inhibiting substances for PCR reactions in normal collection material). Let it dry for 3 hours (contamination free area) and send it to the Laboartory in a sterile container without additives.

PCR HCV/HBV and others:

Please do not open the vacutainers (or split samples) designated for PCR analyses. The sensitivity of virus detection analyses reaches up to 100 DNA/RNA copies/ml. The probability of contaminating the samples in non-separated laboratory units is very high.




 Abbreviation Method Error
 AAS Atomic absorption, flame 3%
  Coombs test 1 titer stage
 Elisa, EIA, FIA, LIA, RIA, ECLIA, CLIA Enzyme Immuno-Assay 15%
  FTA abs test 1 titer stage
 GC Gas chromatography 3%
  Graphite atomizer 5%
 HAH Hemagglutination inhibition test 1 titer stage
  Headspace-GC 3%
 HIG test Hemolysis in the gel test 1 titer stage
 ISE Ion selective electrode measuring 8%
 IFT, IFL Immune fluorescence test 1 titer stage
 IHA Immuno hemagglutination 1 titer stage
 KBR Complement binding reaction 1 titer stage
 LC MS Liquid Cromatography Mass Spectrometry 5%
 MS MS Tandem Mass Spectrometry 5%
  Neutralization test 1 titer stage
 PCR  quantitative Polymerase-Chain Reaction 50%



Tubes for sample collection Color Capacity Instructions
Serum Tubes red cap 5 + 8 ml Contains gel, which provides an effective barrier between the blood clot and serum. Used for most biochemical, hormonal and immunological analyses.
EDTA Tubes (K3) violet cap 2 + 5 ml Contains EDTA (Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid). Used mostly for haematology and genetic tests. Mix well after collection (do not shake) to avoid Thrombocyte clots.
Coagulation Tubes blue cap 2 + 4 ml Contains Citrate as anticoagulant, mostly for coagulation tests. Filling correctly is compulsory.
Heparin Tube green 4 ml Contains Heparin (for chromosome analyses)
ESR Tubes black 2 ml Contains Citrate as anticoagulant, for erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Urine Tubes yellow cap 10 ml For hygienic urine collection, transport and analysis.
Urine Container   30 ml Used for collection of urine and others (e.g. semen,..)
Urine Container (24 hour urine)   2000 ml Used for collection of 24 h urine.
Stool Container     It allows a simple separation of a given faeces sample of approx. 1 g
Swab Container     Contains swab with media
Blood culture flasks (aerobics and anaerobics)   70 ml  
Container for smears blue 2 slides Call FML for order
Liquid based cytology (Thinprep)     Call FML for order. Please note that ThinPrep containers are expensive. Please send it exclusively to the Laboratory providing the kits!


Accredited according to DIN EN ISO 15189

Lab hours

MON - THU and SAT 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM | FRI and SUN : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Key Technical Personnel