LAB HOURS: MON - THU and SAT : 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

FRI and SUN : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

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ImuPro - Food Hypersensitivity Test

ImuPro - Food Hypersensitivity Test

ImuPro - Food Hypersensitivity Test (commonly known as "Food Intolerance Test")

Freiburg Medical Laboratory is the exclusive service provider for the Imupro Food Hypersensitivity Test (commonly known as "Food Intolerance") in the UAE


The ImuPro test detects food hypersensitivity (commonly known as food intolerance) against 270 food items and thereby determining an individual’s most suitable nutritional profile. Food hypersensitivities are type 3 allergies in which IgG-induced immunological responses to antigens and their deactivation are characterized by delayed reactions (hours to days). Food hypersensitivities are different from food allergies (Please see: This difference is important both for diagnostics and therapy purposes. Food allergy usually occurs immediately after contact with the food and the symptoms may be life-threatening. Food hypersensitivity may cause specific symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, headaches, migraines, poor concentration, water retention, atopic dermatitis, itchy skin, rashes, acne, eczema and may also be associated with chronic obesity.


Your IgG food allergy test will be performed at Freiburg Medical Laboratory, Dubai, by highly trained professionals and with strict quality control procedures. The lab will analyze your serum sample and determine the presence of specific IgG antibodies to a broad variety of foodstuffs. The antibodies are detected by their ability to bind to specific proteins from up to 270 analyzed foods. Based on the results of the test, the foodstuffs are then categorized into three groups: “not elevated”, “elevated” and “highly elevated”. Your test results and your personal nutritional guidelines will help you find the foods that are good for you and pinpoint your individual "trigger foods". By avoiding the foods that cause you problems, inflammatory processes can be reduced or even stopped and your body can recover.

ImuPro Concept

ImuPro guides you through three phases and supports you with nutritional guidelines:

  • Elimination phase
  • Provocation phase
  • Stabilization phase

Elimination phase

During the elimination phase, you may consume the foods without raised levels of IgG antibodies in a 4-day rotation cycle. This helps to prevent the development of new delayed food allergies and malnutrition. All foods with high levels of IgG-antibodies are avoided during this phase. By avoiding them, inflammatory processes can be reduced or even stopped.

Provocation phase

After the elimination phase, you start a provocation diet and gradually include the avoided foods one by one. The provocation phase helps to find your personal “trigger foods”. Only one new food at a time should be reintroduced in order to find out whether or not it might be responsible for your complaints.

Stabilization phase

During the stabilization phase, the trigger foods identified in the provocation phase are avoided for at least one year so that the IgG antibodies can degrade and your body can recover. Then you start another provocation phase. You may find that there are one or two foods that you will have to avoid permanently.

Quick Check:


Turnaround Time

Up to 3 days

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Accredited according to DIN EN ISO 15189

Lab hours

MON - THU and SAT 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM | FRI and SUN : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Key Technical Personnel