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Diabetes profile sample report

Diabetes profile sample report

Analysis Result Flag Units Reference Range
Proteins/Metabolites (Serum)
Glucose (Recommendation of the American Diabetes Association)
Glucose fasting (PHO) 83   mg/dl 70 - 99

Please note that we have adjusted our reference ranges according to the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association:

Glucose Level
70 - 99 Normal fasting glucose
100 - 125 Impaired fasting glucose (pre-diabetes)
126 Suspicion of diabetes

Please note that glucose in full blood without stabilizers such as NaF is only stable for 10 minutes. Please send us NaF blood.

Proteins/Metabolites (Serum)
Lipid Studies in mg/dl (Recommendations for Adults from the American Heart Association)
Cholesterol, total (PHO) 221 high mg/dl 100 - 200

Normal: 100 - 199, Desirable: < 200, Borderline: 200 - 239, High Risk: >240

Triglycerides (PHO) 1315 high mg/dl < 150

Normal: < 150, Borderline: 150 - 199, High: 200 - 499, Very High: >500

HDL Cholesterol, direct (PHO) 22.5 low mg/dl > 50

Increased Risk Men: < 40, Increased Risk Women: < 50, Normal: 50 - 60, Optimal: > 60

LDL Cholesterol, direct (PHO) 36   mg/dl < 100

Optimal: < 100, Near Optimal: 100 - 129, Borderline: 130 - 159, High: 160 - 189 Very High: > 190

Proteins/Metabolites (Serum)
Lipid Studies in mmol/l (Recommendations for Adults from the American Heart Association)
Cholesterol, total (PHO) 5.7 high mmol/l 2.6 - 5.1

Normal: 2.6 - 5.1, Desirable: < 5.2, Borderline: 5.2 - 6.2, High Risk: >6.2

Triglycerides (PHO) 14.8 High mmol/l < 1.7

Normal: < 1.7, Borderline: 1.7 - 2.2, High: 2.2 - 5.6, Very High: >5.6

HDL Cholesterol, direct (PHO) 14.8 low mmol/l >1.3

Increased Risk Men: < 1.0, Increased Risk Women: < 1.3, Normal: 1.3 - 1.6, Optimal: > 1.6

LDL Cholesterol, direct (PHO) 0.9 low mmol/l < 2.6

Optimal: < 2.6, Near Optimal: 2.6 - 3.3, Borderline: 3.4 - 4.1, High: 4.2 - 4.9, Very High: > 4.9

Proteins/Metabolites (Serum)
Albumin (PHO) 4.5   g/dl 3.5 - 5.0
Urea Nitrogen (PHO) 9   mg/dl 6 - 20
Creatinine (PHO) 0.7   mmol/l 0.4 - 0.9

Creatinine is related to the muscle mass.
Please note that we have slightly adjusted the reference ranges based on own evaluations in the Asian/Arabic population.

Total Protein (PHO) 7.1   g/dl 6.4 - 8.3
Proteins/Metabolites (EDTA blood)
Hb A1c (TURB) 3.8   % 2.9 - 4.2

4.3-6.5 good control
6.6-7.5 satisfactory control
7.5 unsatisfactory control

Our HbA1c method is performed according to the IFCC standard. Please note, that the IFCC Standards are more sensitive and are able to recognize a pathologic Glucose tolerance at the earliest. No sign of diabetic glucose metabolism (glycosylation). Decreased HbA1c levels are observed in hemolytic anemia.


Accredited according to DIN EN ISO 15189

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Lab hours

MON - THU and SAT 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM | FRI and SUN : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

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